AMCS (Automatic Milk Collection System) is a modern, digital solution to the age-old problems faced by the dairy industry in India. It is an initiative to empower the milk producers in India by developing innovative, technologically advanced milk software that gives them the right value of their milk. The milk collection software is a big step toward improving the sustainability, and reveal opportunities for consistent growth of the dairy industry here. AMCS automates the traditional milk collection process while it performs operations like milk quality testing and analysis, and is installed at Village Cooperative Societies.
Automatic Milk Collection System
Automating the daily milk collection process is the first empowering step towards the whole rural milk revolution. The AMCS (Automatic Milk Collection System) still remains an important initial point on which the milk supply chain management maximizes the milk value, usages, and benefits.
AMCS Software is a unique blend of capturing, maintaining and analyzing the daily milk collection. The software’s main features include Detailed Milk Collection Reports, Accounting Functionalities, and maintain Cash Book on a daily basis.
CONTACT USMilk Union Portal
MU Portal is designed for Milk Unions who can keep a close watch on their respective milk collection units. MU Portal is a first of its kind analytic portal where you can check and review real-time milk collection activities.
Apart from analytical reports, it has a list of all their farmers and employees at one place. MU Portal has unique features to communicate with farmers and employees on real-time.
CONTACT USMilk Producer App
With this initiative, Milk Farmers can check their daily milk data on a click. Farmers App is a FREE application for all Milk farmers available on Android.
Farmer App is a modern and digital solution specially developed for farmers to let them manage their dairy business. The app displays Milk Fat & SNF, milk quantity, passbook details, a summary of bank transactions, and analytics & reports among others.
VDCS can check their daily society’s milk data on a click. VDCS App is a FREE application for all societies’ level employees available on Android.
The application shows live milk collection based on shift and animal type. VDCS can generate various types of reports like purchase summary, milk edit register based on date and shift. The app also shows farmer list of the VDCS and segregates who have not submitted milk.
Adopted by IndiFOSS to manage the transparency between Societies and Milk Farmers. MU App is a FREE application for all Milk unions available on Android.
The app closely manages milk collection units and farmers’ daily activities. It categorizes farmers’ data to show where milk is being collected. All the milk collection data of Milk Union is stored securely in one place with a timely reminder to pay attention to each farmer.
A discovery by us, milk farmers can check their daily milk data on Kiosk at societies. The kiosk is designed, developed and maintained for those who cannot afford smartphones. They can visit the Mandli and check their daily/monthly/yearly data of milk collection using their phone number and OTP.
CONTACT USGet in touch with our specialists to discuss profit and quality improvement opportunities for your specific production.