Molecular & Microbiological Safety

ION Spin DNA Prep One-for-All – Food and feed DNA extraction and purification kit for small sampling units

ION Spin DNA Prep One-for-All – Food and feed DNA extraction and purification kit for small sampling units
DNA extraction and purification is possibly the most critical, but too often overlooked, experimental step in the detection of food contaminants. Contaminants are often present in hotspots in the matrix, hence, sampling and subsampling size are fundamental to grant the extracted DNA is representative of the lot expecially when looking for trace amounts.

DNA is known to be a very robust molecule however food processing often fragment it in small pieces difficult to recover. In addition food often contains molecules known to inhibit PCR reactions: this in turn impacts the efficiency of the contaminants detection kits and their diagnostic significance (i.e.false negative risks). ION Spin DNA Prep is a kit aimed to extract the DNA from samples where the contaminants are supposed to be very evenly distributed. In this case reasonably the subsamples to start from with DNA extraction are in the range 200-500 mg, afterwards different protocols adapt this single kit to any ingredient or finished food product. The kit is proven to extract also fragmented DNA and to purify the DNA also from difficult matrices like chocolate, greasy dressings, honey, gelatin. Altogether these properties ensure optimal performances to the PCR kits used downstream to the DNA extraction step. The kit doesn't contain or require any cancerogenic chemical (e.g. chloroform or phenol).

  • Brand: Generon
  • Format: 50 Tests
  • Code: EXD018
  • Technology: Real-Time PCR
  • Application: Nucleic Acids Extraction
  • Tag/Filter: Kit for Food and Feed,Kit for water

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